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Subject Leader: Miss Brough


            Religious Education

At Our Lady of Compassion, we teach Religious Education (RE) through the programme 'Come and See'. RE is an integral part of our daily school life and fulfils all legal requirements. Please see our RE Policy for more information and for our aims and objectives. Our RE termly newsletters keep you informed of the themes we study each term and these also include suggested activities for home, as well as any important information about RE. 


At Our Lady of Compassion, we teach Religious Education (RE) through the programme 'Come and See'. Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of every child. As we live in the light of God’s love and compassion, we aim to motivate and inspire children through an engaging learning journey that challenges all pupils and leads to excellence. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition. Throughout a pupil’s school journey, they will each have the opportunity to explore different faiths and religions as part of this curriculum.

RE is an integral part of our daily school life and fulfils all legal requirements. Please see our RE Policy for more information and for our aims and objectives. Our RE termly newsletters keep you informed of the themes we study each term and these also include suggested activities for home, as well as any important information about RE and feast days. 

At Our Lady of Compassion, we are proud to have strong links with ‘Our Lady’s’ Church and we work closely with Father John, our parish priest.

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) 
Our Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) programme is called 'A Journey in Love'. The programme has been approved by the Liverpool Archdiocese Schools team and has been introduced across all schools. All pupils will follow five themes from Nursery to Year 6; Physical, Social, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual. The content runs alongside our Come and See, Science and PSHE topics throughout the year. Please look at our RSE policy for more information. As parents, you have the right to withdraw your child from this aspect of the curriculum, however, this is not to be confused with curriculum Science, which is statutory. If you feel there is anything you would like the discuss, please ask to speak to the class teacher. 
Each year will learn about the following: 
Reception – God loves each of us in our uniqueness
Year 1 – We meet God’s love in our family
Year 2 – We meet God’s love in the community
Year 3 – How we live in love
Year 4 – God loves us in our differences
Year 5 – God loves me in my changing and development
Year 6 – The wonder of God’s love in creating new life
Collective Worship

At Our Lady of Compassion, we believe that Collective Worship provides opportunities for pupils and staff to come together to worship God. It is an experience to which all can contribute. Collective Worship takes place every day in school. This can be in key stages, whole school, classes or small groups. Collective Worship gives everyone the opportunity to participate in daily prayer. Senior leaders, class teachers, and pupils plan Collective Worship sessions. Collective Worship consists of four elements; Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth. Please see our RE termly newsletters for the themes for each term.

Please take a look at our Twitter pages @olocRE and @olocPSHE for a deeper look into our Catholic life. 
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